Canine TrxR antibody and antigen (recombinant protein)

Diagnostic anti-Canine TrxR antibodies pairs and antigen for animal health (animal Dog/Canine cancer, viral disease, ischaemia– reperfusion injury, cardiac conditions, aging, premature birth) testing in ELISA, colloidal gold-based Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), CLIA, TINIA and POCT

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Product information

Catalog No.DescriptionUS $ Price (per mg)
GMP-CAN-TrxR-Ag01Canine TrxR$3090.00
GMP-CAN-TrxR-Ab01Anti-Canine TrxR mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb)$3090.00
GMP-CAN-TrxR-Ab02Anti-Canine TrxR mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb)$3090.00
GMP-CAN-TrxR-Ab03Anti-Canine TrxR human monoclonal antibody (mAb)$3090.00
GMP-CAN-TrxR-Ab04Anti-Canine TrxR human monoclonal antibody (mAb)$3090.00

Size: 1mg | 10mg | 100mg

Product Description

Cat No. GMP-CAN-TrxR-Ag01
Product NameCanine TrxR
Target/BiomarkerCanine TrxR
Expression platformE.coli
IsotypesRecombinant Antigen
Bioactivity validationAnti-Canine TrxR antibodies binding, Immunogen in Sandwich Elisa, lateral-flow tests, and other immunoassays as control material in TrxR level test of animal Dog/Canine with cancer, viral disease, ischaemia– reperfusion injury, cardiac conditions, aging, premature birth.
Reconized/Reactive SpecicsCanine TrxR
Product descriptionRecombinant Canine TrxR protein was expressed in E.coli - based prokaryotic cell expression system and is expressed with 6 HIS tag at the C-terminus.
PurityPurity: ≥95% (SDS-PAGE)
Application Paired antibody immunoassay validation in Sandwich ELISA, ELISA, colloidal gold-based Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), CLIA, TINIA, POCT and other immunoassays.
FormulationLyophilized from sterile PBS, PH 7.4
StorageStore at -20℃ to -80℃ under sterile conditions. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

Cat No.GMP-CAN-TrxR-Ab01,GMP-CAN-TrxR-Ab02
Target/BiomarkerCanine TrxR
Product NameAnti-Canine TrxR mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb)
Expression platformCHO
Isotypes Mouse IgG
Bioactivity validationRecombinant Canine TrxR antigen binding, ELISA validated as capture antibody and detection antibody. Pair recommendation with other anti-Canine TrxR antibodies in Canine TrxR level test of animal Dog/Canine with cancer, viral disease, ischaemia– reperfusion injury, cardiac conditions, aging, premature birth.
Product descriptionAnti-Canine TrxR mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) is a mouse monoclonal antibody produced by CHO technology. The antibody is ELISA validated as capture antibody and detection antibody. Pair recommendation with other anti-Canine TrxR antibodies.
PurityPurity: ≥95% (SDS-PAGE)
Application Paired antibody immunoassay validation in Sandwich ELISA, ELISA, colloidal gold-based Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), CLIA, TINIA, POCT and other immunoassays.
FormulationLyophilized from sterile PBS, PH 7.4
StorageStore at -20℃ to -80℃ under sterile conditions. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

Cat No.GMP-CAN-TrxR-Ab03,GMP-CAN-TrxR-Ab04
Target/BiomarkerCanine TrxR
Product NameAnti-Canine TrxR human monoclonal antibody (mAb)
Expression platformCHO
IsotypesHuman lgG1
Bioactivity validationRecombinant Canine TrxR antigen binding, ELISA validated as capture antibody and detection antibody. Pair recommendation with other anti-Canine TrxR antibodies in Canine TrxR level test of animal Dog/Canine with cancer, viral disease, ischaemia– reperfusion injury, cardiac conditions, aging, premature birth.
Product descriptionAnti-Canine TrxR mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) is a human monoclonal antibody produced by CHO. The antibody is ELISA validated as capture antibody and detection antibody pair.
PurityPurity: ≥95% (SDS-PAGE)
Application Paired antibody immunoassay validation in Sandwich ELISA, ELISA, colloidal gold-based Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), CLIA, TINIA, POCT and other immunoassays.
FormulationLyophilized from sterile PBS, PH 7.4
StorageStore at -20℃ to -80℃ under sterile conditions. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.


    Validation Data

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    Target/Biomarker Information

    Canine Thioredoxin Reductase (TrxR) is an enzyme that takes center stage in the intricate theater of canine cellular biochemistry. It is a sentinel in the battle against oxidative stress, a relentless antagonist that can jeopardize the well-being of dogs at a cellular level. Structurally and functionally akin to its counterparts in other species, TrxR in dogs plays a fundamental role in safeguarding cellular components from the perils of reactive oxygen species (ROS).

    The story of TrxR unfolds within the confines of dog cells, where it orchestrates a complex dance of redox reactions. At its core, TrxR catalyzes the reduction of thioredoxin (Trx), a diminutive yet influential protein that serves as a guardian of redox balance. In its reduced form, Trx stands ready to neutralize ROS, effectively diffusing the potential for oxidative damage to critical cellular components.

    Canine physiology is no stranger to the continuous production of ROS. These molecules, born as byproducts of normal cellular metabolism, carry the potential for cellular chaos when their levels surge beyond the capacity of antioxidant defenses. Here, TrxR emerges as a defender, ensuring that the balance is maintained and oxidative stress is kept at bay.

    When ROS production escalates due to external stressors, aging, or disease processes, TrxR becomes all the more critical. Its activity level becomes a gauge of a dog's resilience against oxidative damage. Low TrxR activity implies a diminished capacity to cope with ROS onslaught, rendering dogs vulnerable to oxidative stress-related afflictions.

    Dogs, like all organisms, face the consequences of oxidative stress in various forms. From inflammation-driven conditions to the wear and tear of aging, the impact of oxidative damage can be far-reaching. Monitoring TrxR levels provides an opportunity for proactive intervention. By understanding a dog's antioxidant capacity, veterinarians and caregivers can tailor strategies to bolster this defense system, ensuring a higher quality of life and longevity for our canine companions.

    About GDU


    GDU helps global diagnostic partners in high quality of raw material discovery, development, and application. GDU believes in Protein&antibody Innovation for more reliable diagnostic solutions.