Anti-small molecules (Chemicals, Antibiotics,Mycotoxins,etc.) antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens
(Carrier-coupled antigen, immunogen, hapten-carrier conjugates, BSA-conjugated, OVA-conjugated), competitive ELISA validated

Competitive immunoassay-validated anti-Hapten(small molecules, chemicals) antibody against hapten (small molecules, chemicals) and hapten-carrier conjugated competitive antigens(Carrier-coupled antigen,immunogen,hapten-carrier conjugates, BSA-conjugated, OVA-conjugated).

The anti-Hapten antibodies against haptens had been validated with our hapten-carrier conjugates via competitive ELISA test.

GeneMedi offers paired anti-small molecules (Chemicals, Antibiotics,Mycotoxins,Hormones,Drugs of Abuse, etc.) antibodies (monoclonal antibody, mab) and small molecules competitive antigens (Carrier-coupled antigen, immunogen, hapten-carrier conjugates, BSA-conjugated, OVA-conjugated) for the rapid test and diagnostics kit of Growth Promoters, Toxic Heavy Metal, Myotoxins,Nutritions, Food Safety, Pesticides, Drugs of Abuse, Allergen, Antibiotics, Agricultural, Water Contamination and so on.

All our anti-chemicals antibodies and small molecules hapten-carrier conjugates antigens (BSA-conjugated, OVA-conjugated)are suitable for in competitive ELISA, Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) and other immunoassays in diagnostics and rapid test kit. The carrier-coupled antigens of small molecules can act as immunogens.

Trimethoprim is a synthetic derivative of trimethoxybenzyl-pyrimidine with antibacterial and antiprotozoal properties. Sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprim is a fixed antibiotic combination that is widely used for mild-to-moderate bacterial infections and as prophylaxis against opportunistic infections. Recently, our R&D department demonstrated that our GMP-SMT-73-Ab-1 (Anti-Trimethoprim(TMP) mouse monoclonal antibody) has a large linear range and good sensitivity against the GMP-SMT-73-Ag-1 (BSA-Trimethoprim(TMP)). Below is the result of GeneMedi's Anti-Trimethoprim(TMP) mouse monoclonal antibody validation with BSA-Trimethoprim(TMP) in ELISA. We highly recommend the Ab&Ag to you.

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Figure 1. GeneMedi's GMP-SMT-73-Ab-1 (Anti-Trimethoprim(TMP) mouse monoclonal antibody) is validated to detect the GMP-SMT-73-Ag-1 (BSA-Trimethoprim(TMP)) in ELISA. EC50 = 234.5 ng/ml.

Genemedi supplies Small Molecule Diagnostic for a wide selection of choices (please see below).

Antibiotics Food Safety Agricultural Allergen Mycotoxins Drugs of Abuse

Toxic Heavy Metal Hormones Chemicals Vitamins Amino Acids IVD


Antibiotics have been used in animal husbandry for growth promotion and treatment of infections since their inception for human medicine. This is especially important in intensive animal farming methods where there is a higher risk of antibiotic residues in foods such as raw milk, poultry, cattle, pork, fish, etc. The presence of antimicrobial residues (AR) in farm foods poses a significant risk of allergic reactions, toxicity, carcinogenic effects, selection of resistant bacteria, disruption of human normal flora, provoke immunological response, and inhibition of starter cultures. Developing countries have a higher risk of residues due to a lack of detection facilities and regulatory bodies for controlling drug residue levels in food in the form of maximum residue limits (MRLs). To prevent/minimize the risk of antimicrobial residue in milk, different methods of detection of residue to the standard limit level in all food items are possible by chemical, microbiological, and immunological assays. Genemedi has developed antibodies and antigens to detect the MRL of various antibiotics in food such as raw milk, poultry, cattle, pork, fish, etc. Different samples may require different detection methods such as ELISA, Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay, Chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay (TINIA), immunonephelometry, and POCT.

Antibiotics are chemical compounds produced by microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi that can kill or inhibit the growth of other microorganisms. Since their discovery in the early 20th century, antibiotics have revolutionized the field of medicine significantly, improving the outcome for patients suffering from bacterial infections. Several classes of antibiotics are commonly used in clinical practice, including beta-lactams, macrolides, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, and fluoroquinolones, targeting different aspects of bacterial cell physiology, making them effective against specific types of bacteria. The mode of action of many antibiotics involves binding to specific proteins within the bacterial cell, such as beta-lactam antibiotics that bind to the penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) involved in peptidoglycan synthesis, causing the bacterial cell wall to break down. Macrolide antibiotics bind to the 50S ribosomal subunit, impeding protein synthesis and killing the bacteria.

Apart from their therapeutic use, antibiotics are essential tools for diagnostics. The susceptibility of bacteria to antibiotics can be tested in the laboratory, allowing physicians to choose the most suitable antibiotic for treating a particular infection. This is critical in light of the growing problem of antibiotic resistance, where bacteria evolve mechanisms to evade the effects of antibiotics. Emerging techniques such as anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecule competitive antigens hold promise in enhancing the effectiveness of antibiotics. Antibodies produced by the body's immune system are capable of recognizing and binding to specific molecules, including antibiotics, thereby increasing their efficacy and reducing side effects. Small molecule competitive antigens work by mimicking the structure of the antibiotic molecule and competing for binding sites on the bacterial protein, preventing the bacteria from developing resistance. Overall, antibiotics are indispensable in modern medicine and the continued development of new tools like anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecule competitive antigens holds great promise for improving their efficacy and mitigating the risk of antibiotic resistance.

Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for Veterinary Drugs in Foods.

Food safety

Ensuring food safety is a major global concern, and reliable diagnostics and therapeutics are essential in this field. One promising area of research is the utilization of anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecule competitive antigens as diagnostic tools. These antibodies are capable of targeting small molecule compounds such as antibiotics or caffeine present in food products, and have diverse applications in the detection of contaminants or allergens in food products. Small molecule competitive antigens, being short molecules that can mimic the structure of the target analytes, compete with target analytes to bind to an antibody, enabling the quantification and detection of the analyte. Food safety can be segmented into various categories, including microbiological, physical, and chemical, each aiming to identify specific proteins or molecules involved in contaminating food products. Antibodies that target specific molecules, such as pesticides, heavy metals, or antibiotics, as well as small molecule competitive antigens, are valuable for detection and quantification purposes. Physical food safety relies on identifying foreign objects such as metal or glass shards in food products, whereas microbiological food safety focuses on detecting pathogenic microorganisms, including Salmonella or E.coli, in foods. Antibodies that target specific structures or surfaces of these microorganisms can aid in their detection.

Overall, anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecule competitive antigens hold significant promise for enhancing food safety. These targeted tools offer highly sensitive and specific approaches to identifying contaminants or allergens in food products. GeneMedi has developed antigens and antibodies to detect various small molecules for food safety applications. A variety of techniques may be employed to detect small molecules associated with food safety, including ELISA, Lateral Flow Immunoassay (LFIA), colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay, Chemiluminescent Immunoassay (CLIA), turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay (TINIA), immunonephelometry, and POCT. As research in this field advances, we can expect to see more innovative and effective diagnostic and therapeutic solutions for ensuring safe food products.


Antibodies and antigens have found numerous applications in the agricultural sector, including their use in diagnostic assays to detect pathogens and maintain food safety. Antibodies can be developed against toxins produced by bacteria and viruses that contaminate food products, providing a targeted approach for identifying and detecting potential hazards. Small molecules, such as competitive antigens, can also be employed to develop diagnostic assays for pesticides, herbicides, and other contaminants in fruits and vegetables. This enables the monitoring of these substances in the food production process, ensuring the safety of agricultural products for human consumption.

The specificity and versatility of antibodies and small molecules make them highly useful in the detection and treatment of diseases and contaminants in agricultural products. For example, Genemedi has developed the antigen and antibody to detect various small molecules of agricultural origin, such as antibiotics, residues, and hormones, in different samples. The detection of these small molecules is crucial in ensuring the safety and quality of agricultural products, including raw milk, poultry, cattle, pork, fish, and other foods. Different methods of detection, such as ELISA, Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay, Chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay (TINIA), immunonephelometry, and POCT, may be used to analyze these samples.

Antibodies and small molecules have also become powerful tools in the field of therapeutics, with promising applications in enhancing the effectiveness of antibiotics and mitigating the risk of antibiotic resistance. By targeting antibiotics with antibodies, it may be possible to increase their concentration at the site of infection, leading to better efficacy and fewer side effects. Small molecule competitive antigens work by mimicking the structure of the antibiotic molecule, preventing bacteria from developing resistance and promoting their effectiveness.

In conclusion, antibodies and antigens have revolutionized the field of agriculture, providing a targeted approach for identifying and detecting potential hazards in food products. With their specificity and versatility, these molecules have become essential tools in diagnostics and therapeutics for disease and contaminant detection. Their continued development, such as Genemedi's cutting-edge methods for detecting agricultural small molecules, holds great promise for further improving the quality and safety of agricultural products while mitigating health risks for humans and animals alike.


Allergens are substances capable of inducing an immune response that results in allergic reactions in humans or animals. Sources of allergens are widespread and include pollen, dust mites, food, and medications, among others. The identification and targeting of specific allergenic molecules have led to the development of several diagnostic and therapeutic applications. GeneMedi's anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens offer the potential to revolutionize allergen diagnostics and therapeutics, as they have shown high specificity and efficacy in recognizing and neutralizing allergenic molecules and preventing allergic reactions.

Allergens can be broadly classified into three primary categories: respiratory, food, and contact. Each category comprises several important proteins with distinct functions and therapeutic applications. Respiratory allergies are commonly caused by allergenic molecules such as pollen, animal dander, and dust mites. The identification and targeting of specific respiratory allergens have led to the development of several drugs such as antihistamines and intranasal corticosteroids. GeneMedi's anti-small molecules antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens product can also be utilized in the development of diagnostic assays for the detection and quantification of respiratory allergens.

Food allergies can cause mild skin reactions to life-threatening anaphylaxis and are commonly caused by allergenic molecules such as peanuts, milk, eggs, and shellfish. GeneMedi's product can be employed in the development of therapeutic interventions, such as immunotherapy, which involves exposing the patient to gradually increasing doses of the allergen to build immunity. For contact allergies, common allergenic molecules include poison ivy, latex, and certain metals, among others. GeneMedi's product can be utilized in the development of diagnostic assays for the detection of these allergenic molecules, as well as in the development of topical creams or gels for the treatment of contact dermatitis.

Overall, GeneMedi's anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens product offer significant potential in the field of allergen diagnostics and therapeutics. The classification and identification of specific allergenic molecules offer opportunities for precision medicine and personalized therapies. GeneMedi's product has the potential to revolutionize the diagnosis and treatment of allergies, thereby improving patient outcomes and quality of life. Genemedi has developed several methods for detecting allergenic molecules, including ELISA, lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay, chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay (TINIA), immunonephelometry, and POCT, making it possible to detect allergenic molecules from different samples.


Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by fungi that can grow on various food crops, particularly grains, nuts, and seeds. Mycotoxins can cause a wide range of adverse effects on human and animal health, such as acute toxicity, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, and immunosuppression. The identification and targeting of specific mycotoxins have led to the development of several diagnostic and therapeutic applications. GeneMedi’s anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens products can revolutionize mycotoxin diagnostics and therapeutics. This class of biologics has shown exceptional specificity and efficacy in recognizing and neutralizing mycotoxins, thereby preventing their harmful effects on human health.

The classification of mycotoxins can be based on their chemical structure and source. Major categories of mycotoxins include aflatoxins, trichothecenes, ochratoxins, and zearalenone, among others. Each category comprises several important proteins with distinct functions and therapeutic applications. Aflatoxins, produced by Aspergillus species, can cause liver cancer in humans and animals. GeneMedi’s anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens product can be used for detecting and quantifying aflatoxins and developing therapeutic interventions, such as immunotherapy, for the prevention and treatment of aflatoxin poisoning. Trichothecenes, produced by Fusarium species, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and oral lesions in humans and animals. GeneMedi’s product can be used for the detection and quantification of trichothecenes and developing therapeutic interventions, such as monoclonal antibodies, for the prevention and treatment of trichothecene poisoning. Ochratoxins, produced by Aspergillus and Penicillium species, can cause kidney damage and cancer in humans and animals. GeneMedi’s product can be used for the detection and quantification of ochratoxins and developing therapeutic interventions, such as competitive inhibitors, for the prevention and treatment of ochratoxin poisoning.

Overall, GeneMedi’s anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens products offer extensive potential in the field of mycotoxin diagnostics and therapeutics. The identification and targeting of specific mycotoxins offer opportunities for precision medicine and personalized therapies. GeneMedi’s product has the potential to revolutionize the way we diagnose and treat mycotoxin poisoning, thereby improving patient outcomes and quality of life. GeneMedi's product can detect the small molecules of MYCOTOXINS from different samples using ELISA, Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay, Chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay (TINIA), immunonephelometry, and POCT, which greatly enhances the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of mycotoxin detection.

Drugs of Abuse

Drugs of abuse are chemical substances capable of altering mood, behavior, and perception, resulting in addiction and severe health consequences. The detection and targeting of specific drugs of abuse have led to the development of various diagnostic and therapeutic applications. To this end, GeneMedi's anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens product exhibit immense potential in revolutionizing drugs of abuse diagnostics and therapeutics. These biologics demonstrate high specificity and efficacy in detecting and neutralizing drugs of abuse while mitigating their detrimental effects on human health.

Classification-wise, drugs of abuse can be categorized into opioids, stimulants, cannabinoids, and other classes, each containing several proteins with distinct functions and therapeutic implications. Opioids, for instance, refer to a diverse range of compounds, including prescription pain relievers like oxycodone, hydrocodone, and fentanyl, as well as illicit drugs such as heroin. GeneMedi's product can facilitate the development of diagnostic assays for detecting and quantifying opioids. Therapeutic interventions such as monoclonal antibodies can also be generated for the prevention and treatment of opioid addiction and overdose. Similarly, stimulant drugs like cocaine, methamphetamine, and MDMA can be detected and targeted through diagnostic assays based on GeneMedi's product. Competitive inhibitors can also be developed for therapeutic interventions aimed at mitigating stimulant addiction and overdose. Cannabinoids, which include marijuana and synthetic cannabinoids, present an additional class of drugs of abuse that GeneMedi's product can detect and quantify. Immunotherapy can also be developed for cannabinoid addiction and overdose prevention and treatment purposes.

GeneMedi's anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens product offer significant potential in drugs of abuse diagnostics and therapeutics. The identification and classification of specific drugs of abuse open up opportunities for personalized therapies and precision medicine. Apart from detecting drugs of abuse from different samples, GeneMedi's product can benefit from various diagnostic assays, including ELISA, lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay, chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay (TINIA), immunonephelometry, and POCT. As such, the product has the potential to transform the diagnosis and treatment of drug addiction and overdose, ultimately improving patient outcomes and quality of life.

Toxic Heavy Metal

Toxic heavy metals are chemical elements that can cause severe health problems when present in the environment or absorbed by the human body. The development of highly specific and effective diagnostic and therapeutic applications targeting specific toxic heavy metals is of great importance. GeneMedi's anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens products have shown significant potential in revolutionizing toxic heavy metal diagnostics and therapeutics. These biologics have demonstrated high specificity and effectiveness in recognizing and neutralizing toxic heavy metals, mitigating their harmful effects on human health. Toxic heavy metals can be classified into various categories, including lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic, among others. Each category comprises several important proteins with unique functions and therapeutic applications.

Lead is a heavy metal that can cause damage to the nervous system, kidneys, and reproductive system. GeneMedi's anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens product can be utilized in the development of diagnostic assays for the detection and quantification of lead. It can also be used in the development of therapeutic interventions, such as chelation therapy, for the prevention and treatment of lead poisoning. Mercury is a heavy metal that can damage the brain, lungs, and kidneys. GeneMedi's product can be used to develop diagnostic assays for detecting and quantifying mercury, as well as developing therapeutic interventions, such as antioxidants, for preventing and treating mercury toxicity. Cadmium is a heavy metal that can damage the kidneys and bones. GeneMedi's product offers potential in the development of diagnostic assays for detecting and quantifying cadmium, and in developing therapeutic interventions, such as metallothionein inducers, for the prevention and treatment of cadmium toxicity. Arsenic is a heavy metal that can cause skin lesions, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. GeneMedi's product can be used in developing diagnostic assays for the detection and quantification of arsenic, as well as in developing therapeutic interventions, such as competitive inhibitors, for the prevention and treatment of arsenic toxicity.

GeneMedi's anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens products offer significant potential in the field of toxic heavy metal diagnostics and therapeutics. The classification and identification of specific toxic heavy metals present opportunities for precision medicine and personalized therapies. GeneMedi's product has the potential to revolutionize the way we diagnose and treat heavy metal toxicity, leading to better patient outcomes and improved quality of life.

Detection of small molecules of toxic heavy metals from different samples can benefit from various diagnostic assays. These include ELISA, Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay, Chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay (TINIA), immunonephelometry, and POCT. GeneMedi's product's high specificity can enable accurate detection and quantification of toxic heavy metal small molecules in these diagnostic assays, contributing significantly to effective and precise diagnosis and treatment of heavy metal toxicity.


Hormones represent a class of chemical messengers secreted by endocrine glands that regulate various physiological processes in the body. Hormones are categorized into several groups, including steroid hormones, peptide and protein hormones, and amino acid derivatives based on their structure and function. The identification and targeting of specific hormones have enabled the development of several diagnostic and therapeutic applications for hormonal disorders. GeneMedi's anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens products hold significant potential in revolutionizing hormone diagnostics and therapeutics. This class of biologics has been demonstrated to be highly specific and effective in recognizing and neutralizing hormones, thereby modulating their effects on human health.

GeneMedi's product can be used to develop diagnostic assays for the detection and quantification of steroid hormones, such as testosterone, estrogen, and cortisol. Moreover, it can also be applied in the development of therapeutic interventions, such as hormone replacement therapy, for the prevention and treatment of hormonal imbalances. Peptide and protein hormones, such as insulin, growth hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone, constitute another group of important hormones. GeneMedi's product can assist in the detection and quantification of peptide and protein hormones, and the development of therapeutic interventions, such as monoclonal antibodies, to prevent and treat hormonal disorders. The third category of hormones includes amino acid derivatives, such as adrenaline and thyroxine. GeneMedi's product can facilitate the development of diagnostic assays for detecting and quantifying amino acid derivative hormones, and the development of therapeutic interventions, such as receptor antagonists, for the prevention and treatment of hormonal disorders.

GeneMedi's anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens products present significant potential for revolutionizing hormone diagnostics and therapeutics. The classification and identification of specific hormones offer opportunities for precision medicine and personalized therapies. An accurate diagnosis of hormonal disorders is essential for effective treatment, which GeneMedi's product can help achieve. The detection and quantification of small molecules of HORMONE from different samples can be performed using several assays, including ELISA, Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay, Chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay (TINIA), immunonephelometry, and POCT. GeneMedi's product has the potential to transform hormone diagnostics and therapeutics, contributing significantly to improved patient outcomes and quality of life.


Chemicals are substances that possess a unique molecular composition and can be either naturally occurring or artificially synthesized. The identification and targeting of specific chemicals have led to the development of various diagnostic and therapeutic applications. GeneMedi's anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens products have a remarkable potential to revolutionize chemical diagnostics and therapeutics. This class of biologics has been shown to be highly specific and effective in recognizing and neutralizing chemicals and modulating their effects on human health. Chemicals can be classified into several categories, including organic and inorganic compounds, elements, and minerals, among others. Each category comprises several important proteins with unique functions and therapeutic implications. Organic compounds are compounds that contain carbon, such as carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. GeneMedi's anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens product can be used for developing diagnostic assays to detect and quantify organic compounds and therapeutic interventions, like enzyme inhibitors, to prevent and treat diseases caused by organic compounds. Inorganic compounds are compounds that do not contain carbon, such as metals and metal oxides. GeneMedi's product can be used for developing diagnostic assays to detect and quantify inorganic compounds and therapeutic interventions, such as chelation therapy, to prevent and treat diseases caused by inorganic compounds. Elements like lead and mercury are naturally occurring chemicals that can cause severe health problems when present in the environment or absorbed by the human body. GeneMedi's product can be used for developing diagnostic assays to detect and quantify elements and therapeutic interventions like metal chelators, to prevent and treat diseases caused by elements.

Overall, GeneMedi’s anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens products offer significant potential in the field of chemical diagnostics and therapeutics. The classification and identification of specific chemicals offer opportunities for precision medicine and personalized therapies. GeneMedi's product can revolutionize the way we diagnose and treat diseases caused by chemicals, thereby improving patient outcomes and quality of life. GeneMedi has developed the antigen and antibody to detect various small molecules of CHEMICALS. The detection and quantification of small molecules of chemicals from different samples can benefit from several diagnostic assays like ELISA, Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay, Chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay (TINIA), immunonephelometry, and POCT.


Vitamins are a group of organic compounds that are essential for normal physiological function and must be obtained through diet or supplements. Specific vitamins play critical roles in various metabolic pathways, and their deficiencies or excesses can lead to several diseases. The identification and targeting of specific vitamins have led to the development of numerous diagnostic and therapeutic applications. GeneMedi's anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens products can revolutionize vitamin diagnostics and therapeutics. This class of biologics has been shown to be highly specific and effective in recognizing and neutralizing vitamins, as well as modulating their effects on human health.

The two categories of vitamins are fat-soluble and water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, are stored in the body's fatty tissues and liver, and their excess accumulation can lead to toxicity. On the other hand, water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins B and C, are not stored in the body and must be replenished regularly. GeneMedi's anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens product can be utilized in developing diagnostic assays for the detection and quantification of both fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins, as well as in developing therapeutic interventions, such as receptor agonists and enzyme inhibitors, for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by vitamin deficiencies or excesses.

Overall, GeneMedi's anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens products offer significant potential in the field of vitamin diagnostics and therapeutics. Specific vitamin identification and classification pave the way for precision medicine and personalized therapies. GeneMedi's product has the potential to revolutionize the way we diagnose and treat diseases caused by vitamin deficiencies or excesses, leading to better patient outcomes and improved quality of life. Detecting the small molecules of vitamins from different samples using diagnostic assays like ELISA, Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay, Chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay (TINIA), immunonephelometry, and POCT can be facilitated using GeneMedi's antigen and antibody technology.

Amino Acids

Amino acids are essential for the structure and function of cells, serving as the building blocks of proteins. The discovery of specific amino acids has led to the development of various diagnostic and therapeutic applications. GeneMedi's anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecule competitive antigens have revolutionized the field of amino acid diagnostics and therapeutics by offering a class of biologics that is highly specific and effective in recognizing and neutralizing amino acids, as well as modulating their effects on human health.

Amino acids can be classified into several categories, including essential and non-essential amino acids, as well as branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), each with distinct functions and therapeutic applications. Essential amino acids cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained through dietary intake or supplements. GeneMedi's anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecule competitive antigens product can detect and quantify essential amino acids, making them ideal for developing diagnostic assays and therapeutic interventions, such as enzyme inhibitors, for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by deficiencies of these amino acids. Non-essential amino acids can be synthesized by the body and do not need to be obtained through dietary intake or supplements. GeneMedi's product can detect and quantify non-essential amino acids, which is useful for developing diagnostic assays and therapeutic interventions, such as receptor agonists, for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by imbalances of these amino acids. BCAAs are critical for protein synthesis and muscle metabolism. GeneMedi's product can detect and quantify BCAAs, making it useful for developing diagnostic assays and therapeutic interventions, such as muscle-building supplements and metabolic modulators, for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by imbalances of these amino acids.

GeneMedi's anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecule competitive antigens products offer significant potential in the field of amino acid diagnostics and therapeutics. The classification and identification of specific amino acids offer opportunities for precision medicine and personalized therapies, which can improve patient outcomes and quality of life. GeneMedi's antigen and antibody technology can be used in various diagnostic assays, including ELISA, lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay, chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay (TINIA), immunonephelometry, and POCT, for detecting small molecules of amino acids from different samples.


Introdution-Food safety and small molecule detection

Food can transmit disease from person to person by serving as a growth medium for food contaminations that can cause food poisoning. Food safety refers to non-toxic, harmless of food, in line with the nutritional requirements, and does not cause any acute, subacute or chronic hazards on human health. Currently, food safety is a growing concern all over the world especially in developing areas. Ensuring the safety of food has become a significant challenge due to globalization of the food supply and the demand for minimally processed food products. Some potential sources for chemical and biological contamination of foods include: the use of pesticides, fertilizers, and antibiotics around agricultural food products; accidental introduction of additives to industrially processed foods at unsafe levels, or intentional adulteration with low quality or unsafe ingredients for economic purposes; cross-contamination with allergens or other substances that can be dangerous to sensitive individuals (e.g., wheat gluten); microbial growth deriving from unsanitary agricultural or processing conditions; and spoilage during transport and storage of foods due to packaging defects or incorrect handling by consumers. To manage food safety risks, there is a continued need for rapid, sensitive, inexpensive, and reliable techniques to detect the presence of chemical contaminants and microbes in complex media.

Food Safety Solutions

Food testing and analyzing plays an important role in quality control of food production.

  1. Culture-based traditional techniques

Traditional culture methods use selective liquid or solid culture media to grow, isolate, and enumerate target microorganism and simultaneously prevent the growth of other microorganisms present in the food (Jasson et al., 2010). These methods for the identification of foodborne pathogens involve pre-enrichment growth, selective enrichment culture, and selective plating followed by biochemical identification and serological confirmation of results. These methods are relatively inexpensive, sensitive, and still regarded as gold standards, the main drawback of these methods is their long analysis time and labor intensiveness. The whole procedure takes typically between 7 and 10 days (Vunrcrzant and Pllustoesser, 1987; Biswas, 2005).

  2. Mircoscopic and optical characteristics based methods

Various methods based on microscopic and optical characteristics of the appropriately stained microbial cells have been developed for assuring microbial safety of foods and food products. These methods include Direct Epifluorescent Filter Technique (DEFT), Flow Cytometry, and Solid Phase Cytometry. DEFT is a rapid method for enumerating microbial foodborne pathogens and is used widely in the dairy industry for raw foods (Hermida et al., 2000), milk and milk products, beverages, foods, etc. Flow cytometry is applied for the enumeration of viable bacteria in a sample, and uses flourescent dyes for the analysis of viability, metabolic state, and antigenic markers of bacteria. Solid-phase cytometry (SPC) combines the principles of epifluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry.

  3. Immunological methods

All immunological methods for the detection of foodborne pathogens are based on antigen–antibody reactions. The body produces specific antibodies in response to invading pathogen. These reactions are versatile and specific but the success of an immunoassay depends on the specificity of antibody. Various kits have been developed based on immunological methods for the detection of foodborne pathogens, and are available commercially and have been responsible for revolutionizing the field of food testing (Table 1).

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  4. Nucleic acid-based methods

Spurred by technological developments and commercial profit motives, nucleic acid-based assays have become widely available as powerful tools to assist in the diagnosis and monitoring of foodborne pathogens. These methods are based on the detection of specific gene sequences (signature sequences) in the genotype of target organism. The sequences may be selected in such a way that they can detect a particular group, genus, species, or even the strain of microorganism. There are many DNA-based assay formats, but probes and nucleic acid amplification techniques are the most popular ones and have been developed commercially for detecting foodborne pathogens.

  5. Mass spectrometry

For years, mass spectrometry has been considered the most suitable analytical technique for the detection of multiple compounds in food, feed and water. Coupled to liquid chromatography (LC), high-performance LC and ultra-high performance LC (HPLC, UHPLC) or gas chromatographic (GC) separation with an ionization source such as electrospray (ESI), a large number of mass spectrometry-based methods were developed to comply with updated regulations. To effectively apply this approach, the structure of the compound must be characterized before its detection. Methods development can be time-consuming, and standards must be acquired to optimize compound-specific instrumental conditions, including transition selections, ion-source voltages, and collision energies. MRM methods are, therefore, unable to screen for unknown compounds

Small molecule detection-Hapten based competitive immunoassay

Small molecules such as pesticides, drugs, etc. are usually nonimmunogenic and hence do not elicit an immune response unless coupled with some macromolecules such as proteins. It is, therefore, required to modify these small substances (hapten) for coupling with macromolecules (carrier) so as to make a stable carrierhapten complex. Synthesis of hapten for linking with carrier proteins is the most important aspect of specific antibody generation against small molecules for immunoassay applications.

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