AAV6 vector system (AAV6 expression system, AAV6 packaging plasmid system, T cell validated ) (Amp and Kanamycin) (GeneMedi Owned)

GeneMedi (GM) AAV6 Vector system is including: 1) AAV6 Rep-Cap plasmid (AAV6-RC plasmid) 2) AAV Helper plasmid 3) AAV expression vectors (overexpression or shRNA).

You can produce AAV6 particle in 293T cell line in high titer using GeneMedi's AAV6 Rep-Cap plasmid with GM's AAV expression vector (overexpression or shRNA) and AAV helper plasmid.

The tissue tropism of AAV6 vector has been validated in neuron(CNS),lung,liver,heart and muscle,with potential applications in tissue-specific gene therapy.AAV6 has also been proved a high transduction efficency in T cell,wtih potential applications in T cell-mediated cancer immunotherapies, including Chimaeric antigen receptor T(CAR-T) and TCR engineered T(TCR-T) cell therapy.

GeneMedi offers both Ampicillin (Amp) resistance and Kanamycin (Kan) resistance for the AAV Rep-Cap Plasmids, AAV expression Plasmids and AAV helper Plasmid.

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Product Description

Cat.NO Product Name Organization Type Price(In USD)
P-PK08 AAV6 Vector System (Amp resistance)
1. AAV6 Rep-Cap Plasmid, 5ug
2. AAV Helper Plasmid, 5ug
3. pGMAAV-CMV-MCS-T2A-ZsGreen (P-AAVV-B01), 5ug
Academic 2028
P-PK08 AAV6 Vector System (Amp resistance)
1. AAV6 Rep-Cap Plasmid, 5ug
2. AAV Helper Plasmid, 5ug
3. pGMAAV-CMV-MCS-T2A-ZsGreen (P-AAVV-B01), 5ug
Industry R&D
P-PK08 AAV6 Vector System (Amp resistance)
1. AAV6 Rep-Cap Plasmid, 5ug
2. AAV Helper Plasmid, 5ug
3. pGMAAV-CMV-MCS-T2A-ZsGreen (P-AAVV-B01), 5ug
Manufacturing company
P-PK08 AAV6 Vector System (Amp resistance)
1. AAV6 Rep-Cap Plasmid, ≥10mg
2. AAV Helper Plasmid, ≥10mg
3. pGMAAV-CMV-MCS-T2A-ZsGreen (P-AAVV-B01-Kan), ≥10mg
P-PK08-Kan AAV6 Vector System (Kan resistance)
1. AAV6 Rep-Cap Plasmid (Kan resistance) , ≥10mg
2. AAV Helper Plasmid (Kan resistance) , ≥10mg
3. pGMAAV-CMV-MCS-T2A-ZsGreen (Kan resistance) (P-AAVV-B01-Kan), ≥10mg
P-RC08 AAV6 Rep-Cap Plasmid (Amp resistance)
Academic 935
P-RC08 AAV6 Rep-Cap Plasmid (Amp resistance)
Industry R&D
P-RC08 AAV6 Rep-Cap Plasmid (Amp resistance)
Manufacturing company
P-RC08 AAV6 Rep-Cap Plasmid (Amp resistance)
P-RC08-Kan AAV6 Rep-Cap Plasmid(Kan resistance)
GeneMedi offers both seed and amplification services for the Amp-resistant AAV Vector System.
GeneMedi only offers amplification services and do not provide seed for the Kan-resistant AAV Vector System currently.
If you want to obtain higher quantities of plasmids (mg), please visit GM TransExcellent Plasmid DNA Rapid Preparation Service.
Terms of sale:
For Seed (5ug):
The purchaser may not reverse engineer this product to extract the sequence for independent use. The purchaser may not transfer this product to others for manufacturing purposes. The purchaser may not use this material to manufacture this product for any other party.

For plasmid production& amplification (≥10mg):
The purchaser may not reverse engineer this product to extract the sequence for independent use. The purchaser may not transfer this product to others for manufacturing purposes. The purchaser may not use this material to manufacture this product for themselves or any other party.


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Validation data

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Figure. Selected transduction results of AAV in vitro (in 293T cell line)

Virus and titer: AAV1/AAV6/AAV8/AAV-Rh10/AAV-DJ/AAV9-GFP, 1×1012 vg/ml
Cells: HEK-293T
MOI: MOI=1×104
Determine assay: 36 hours post infection, immunofluorescence microscopy

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