AAV-MyoAAV 2A vector system (AAV-MyoAAV 2A expression system, AAV-MyoAAV 2A packaging plasmid system)

GeneMedi (GM) AAV-MyoAAV 2A Vector system is including: 1) AAV-MyoAAV 2A Rep-Cap plasmid (AAV-MyoAAV 2A-RC plasmid) 2) AAV Helper plasmid 3) AAV expression vectors (overexpression or shRNA).

You can produce AAV-MyoAAV 2A particle in 293T cell line in high titer using GeneMedi's AAV-MyoAAV 2A Rep-Cap plasmid with GM's AAV expression vector (overexpression or shRNA) and AAV helper plasmid.

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Product Description

Cat.NO Product Name Organization Type Price(In USD) Qty (Quantity) Sum(In USD)
P-PK31 AAV-MyoAAV 2A Vector System
1. MyoAAV 2A Rep-Cap Plasmid, 5ug
2. AAV Helper Plasmid, 5ug
3. pGMAAV-CMV-MCS-T2A-ZsGreen (P-AAVV-B01), 5ug
Academic 3379
P-PK31 AAV-MyoAAV 2A Vector System
1. MyoAAV 2A Rep-Cap Plasmid, 5ug
2. AAV Helper Plasmid, 5ug
3. pGMAAV-CMV-MCS-T2A-ZsGreen (P-AAVV-B01), 5ug
Industry R&D
P-PK31 AAV-MyoAAV 2A Vector System
1. MyoAAV 2A Rep-Cap Plasmid, 5ug
2. AAV Helper Plasmid, 5ug
3. pGMAAV-CMV-MCS-T2A-ZsGreen (P-AAVV-B01), 5ug
Manufacturing company
P-RC31 AAV-MyoAAV 2A Rep-Cap Plasmid
Academic 2062
P-RC31 AAV-MyoAAV 2A Rep-Cap Plasmid
Industry R&D
P-RC31 AAV-MyoAAV 2A Rep-Cap Plasmid
Manufacturing company
If you want to obtain higher quantities of plasmids (mg), please visit GM TransExcellent Plasmid DNA Rapid Preparation Service.
Shipping Cost: 169.00


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