Pre-made Mitumomab benchmark antibody (Whole mAb, anti-ganglioside GD3 therapeutic antibody) for drug discovery and mechanism of action (MOA) research

Cat No.: GMP-Bios-INN-916

Anti-ganglioside GD3 therapeutic antibody (Pre-made Mitumomab biosimilar, Whole mAb) is a biosimilar expressed by mammalian cell line as a benchmark reference therapeutic antibody for biological drug disovery items including cell culture, assay development, animal model development, PK/PD model development (Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamic) and mechanism of action (MOA) research.

Mitumomab (BEC-2) is a mouse anti-BEC-2 monoclonal antibody investigated for the treatment of small cell lung carcinoma in combination with BCG vaccination. Mitumomab attacks tumour cells, while the vaccine is thought to activate the immune system. It was developed by ImClone and Merck.[1]

Order information

* GeneMedi provides NON-PROFIT PRICE to support Academic research. Please click inquiry for product quotation. → Inquiry

Catalog No. Package Price(In USD) Qty (Quantity) Sum(In USD)
GMP-Bios-INN-916-1mg 1mg 3090
GMP-Bios-INN-916-10mg 10mg Inquiry
GMP-Bios-INN-916-100mg 100mg Inquiry
GMP-Bios-INN-916-xmg ≥100mg Inquiry
Shipping Cost: 760.00


Products Name (INN Index) Pre-Made Mitumomab Biosimilar, Whole Mab: Anti-Ganglioside Gd3 therapeutic antibody
INN Name Mitumomab
Targetganglioside GD3
FormatWhole mAb
DerivationMus musculus
Species Reactivityhuman
CH1 IsotypeIgG2b - kappa
VD LCIgG2b - kappa
Highest_Clin_Trial (Jan '20)
Est. Status
100% SI Structure
99% SI Structure
95-98% SI Structure
Year Proposed
Year Recommended
CompaniesMerck KgaA (Darmstadt Germany) / ImClone Systems Inc. (Somerville NJ USA) / Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (New York NY USA)
Conditions Approved
Conditions Active
Conditions Discontinued
Development Tech0