Vitamins compound antibody & antigen (hapten) for immunoassay and Vitamins deficiency test

Vitamins are a group of organic compounds that affect physiological processes and are required by the organism which does not synthesize them. This is because the body require certain vitamins to undertake their metabolic functions, presence or absence of the vitamins can cause several diseases. This has resulted in the identification of several vitamins and targeting of the latter to create many diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Pursuant to this, it can be argued that the GeneMedi’s anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens products offer great possibilities for vitamin diagnostics and therapies. It is evident that this class of biologics is very selective and efficient in identifying and counteracting vitamins along with their impact on a human body.

The two categories that are understood when talking about vitamins are fat soluble and water soluble vitamins. Vitamin classes that include A, D, E, and K are fat soluble and their metabolism takes place in the liver while any excess is stored in the body’s fat tissues, and this makes them toxic when ingested in large amounts. Whereas fat soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E, and K are retained in the body because they dissolve in fats and are kept in the body fat tissues and thus, do not need to be taken often whereas, water soluble vitamins such as the B vitamins and vitamin C dissolve in water and therefore need to be replaced often as they are not stored in the body tissues. With GeneMedi’s services, diagnostic tests that can be developed include the fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins’ detection and quantitative analysis, along with therapeutic solutions including agonist receptors and enzymes inhibitors, which are important in treating diseases caused by either deficiency or overdose of vitamins.

In sum, GeneMedi’s anti-small molecule antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens products present substantial capability in the sphere of vitamin diagnostic and therapeutic. Subclassification of certain vitamins enables the development of targeted medicine and treatment plans. The product developed by GeneMedi has the capacity to change the approach towards disease diagnostics and treatment which is associated with vitamin deficiency and overage, thus, providing the patients with a higher quality of life and better results. Diagnosing the small molecules of vitamins from different samples such as animal, plant, food, environment, biological body fluids, and patients by employing diagnostic assays like ELISA, Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay, Chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay (TINIA), immunonephelometry, and POCT.

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