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AAV vector for overexpression: pAAV-CMV-promoter/mCherry reporter (Amp and Kanamycin) (GeneMedi Owned)

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AAV vector for overexpression: pAAV-CMV-promoter/mCherry reporter - Introduction

GeneMedi's AAV CMV expression vector is inserted with a promoter for cytomegalovirus (CMV) to drive gene overexpression. You can contact Genemedi for your unique reporter including GFP, zsgreen, RFP, mcherry or luciferase. GeneMedi offers both Ampicillin (Amp) resistance and Kanamycin (Kan) resistance for the AAV expression Plasmids.

The CMV promoter is a strong protomer driven broad expression in most tissues.

You can produce AAV paticle in 293T cell line in high titer using GeneMedi's AAV expression vector (overexpression, shRNA or Crispr-cas9-gRNA) with GeneMedi's serotypes-specific AAV Rep-Cap plasmids and AAV helper plasmid.

Product NameOrganization TypePrice(In USD)Qty (Quantity)Sum(In USD)
Cat No.: P-AAVV-B56
Expression: overexpression
Promoter: CMV
Reporter: mCherry
Cre-dependent: No
TAG (unfusion): null
Cat No.: P-AAVV-B56
Expression: overexpression
Promoter: CMV
Reporter: mCherry
Cre-dependent: No
TAG (unfusion): null
Industry R&D
Cat No.: P-AAVV-B56
Expression: overexpression
Promoter: CMV
Reporter: mCherry
Cre-dependent: No
TAG (unfusion): null
Manufacturing company
If you want to obtain higher quantities of plasmids (mg), please visit GM TransExcellent Plasmid DNA Rapid Preparation Service.
Shipping Cost:169.00
Terms of sale:
For Seed (5ug):
The purchaser may not reverse engineer this product to extract the sequence for independent use. The purchaser may not transfer this product to others for manufacturing purposes. The purchaser may not use this material to manufacture this product for any other party.
For plasmid production&amplification (≥10mg):
The purchaser may not reverse engineer this product to extract the sequence for independent use. The purchaser may not transfer this product to others for manufacturing purposes. The purchaser may not use this material to manufacture this product for themselves or any other party.
>>Click to check the full list of AAV(Adeno Associated Virus) Expression Vector (AAV expression plasmids)