Bartonella henselae antibody and antigen (recombinant protein)

Diagnostic anti-Bartonella henselae antibodies pairs and antigen for animal health (animal Cat/Feline infectious disease Cat scratch disease (CSD)) testing in ELISA, colloidal gold-based Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), CLIA, TINIA and POCT

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Product information

Catalog No. Description US $ Price (per mg)
GMP-VT-P032-Ag01 Recombinant Bartonella henselae protein $3090.00
GMP-VT-P032-Ab01 Anti-Bartonella henselae mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) $3090.00
GMP-VT-P032-Ab02 Anti-Bartonella henselae mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) $3090.00

Size: 1mg | 10mg | 100mg

Product Description

Cat No. GMP-VT-P032-Ag01
Product Name Recombinant Bartonella henselae protein
Pathogen Bartonella henselae
Expression platform E.coli
Isotypes Recombinant Antigen
Bioactivity validation Anti-Bartonella henselae antibodies binding, Immunogen in Sandwich Elisa, lateral-flow tests, and other immunoassays as control material in Bartonella henselae level test of animal Cat/Feline infectious disease with Cat scratch disease (CSD).
Tag His
Product description Recombinant Bartonella henselae proteinwas expressed in E.coli - based prokaryotic cell expression system and is expressed with 6 HIS tag at the C-terminus.
Purity Purity: ≥95% (SDS-PAGE)
Application Paired antibody immunoassay validation in Sandwich ELISA, ELISA, colloidal gold-based Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), CLIA, TINIA, POCT and other immunoassays.
Formulation Lyophilized from sterile PBS, PH 7.4
Storage Store at -20℃ to -80℃ under sterile conditions. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

Cat No. GMP-VT-P032-Ab01,GMP-VT-P032-Ab02
Pathogen Bartonella henselae
Product Name Anti-Bartonella henselae mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb)
Expression platform CHO
Isotypes Mouse IgG
Bioactivity validation Recombinant Bartonella henselae antigen binding, ELISA validated as capture antibody and detection antibody. Pair recommendation with other anti-Bartonella henselae antibodies in Bartonella henselae level test of animal Cat/Feline infectious disease with Cat scratch disease (CSD).
Product description Anti-Bartonella henselae mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) is a mouse monoclonal antibody produced by CHO technology. The antibody is ELISA validated as capture antibody and detection antibody. Pair recommendation with other anti-Bartonella henselae antibodies./td>
Purity Purity: ≥95% (SDS-PAGE)
Application Paired antibody immunoassay validation in Sandwich ELISA, ELISA, colloidal gold-based Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), CLIA, TINIA, POCT and other immunoassays.
Formulation Lyophilized from sterile PBS, PH 7.4
Storage Store at -20℃ to -80℃ under sterile conditions. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.


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    Bartonella henselae: A Comprehensive Overview

    Bartonella henselae is a fascinating and potentially harmful Gram-negative bacterium that holds a special place in the field of microbiology. This pathogen is commonly known as the "Cat-scratch Disease Bacterium" and is known for its unique ability to infect a wide range of hosts, including domestic cats and, to a lesser extent, humans. In this detailed overview, we will delve into various aspects of this pathogen, including its taxonomy, structure, host range, associated diseases, diagnostic methods, treatment options, and prevention strategies.

    Taxonomy and Description:

    Bartonella henselae is classified as a Gram-negative bacterium, making it distinct in terms of its cell wall structure. This pathogen belongs to the family Bartonellaceae, which is within the order Rhizobiales. One of the distinctive characteristics of this bacterium is its small, rod-shaped cells, which are visually distinguishable under a microscope. Its classification and features are key factors in understanding its virulence and pathogenicity.

    Pathogen Structure:

    To comprehend how Bartonella henselae causes diseases, it's imperative to examine its structure at the molecular level. This bacterium possesses several genes that contribute to its virulence and pathogenicity, with one of the most notable being the VirB/VirD Type IV secretion system. This system plays a crucial role in delivering effector proteins into host cells, allowing the bacterium to manipulate host cell functions. Additionally, Bartonella henselae employs various proteins for adhesion to host cells, and one of the most important is Bartonella adhesin A (BadA). BadA plays a pivotal role in the bacterium's ability to adhere to host cells and initiate the infection process.

    Hosts and Associated Diseases:

    Bartonella henselae has a fascinating host range, with cats being the primary reservoir and vector of this bacterium. Within the feline host, the bacterium often resides in the bloodstream. However, humans can also become accidental hosts and fall victim to this pathogen through scratches, bites, or close contact with infected cats. This zoonotic transmission is a key aspect of Bartonella henselae's epidemiology.

    The diseases associated with Bartonella henselae infections in humans are diverse and can range from mild to severe. Some of the notable diseases include:

    1.Cat-Scratch Disease (CSD): This is the most common manifestation of Bartonella henselae infections in humans. CSD typically presents with symptoms such as fever, swollen lymph nodes, and, in some cases, an eschar at the site of inoculation. It is primarily contracted through cat scratches or bites.

    2.Bacillary Angiomatosis: Bacillary angiomatosis is a more severe disease primarily observed in immunocompromised individuals. It is characterized by the formation of vascular lesions, which can affect various body systems and cause significant clinical complications.

    3.Peliosis Hepatis: Like bacillary angiomatosis, peliosis hepatis is also found predominantly in immunocompromised individuals. This condition is characterized by the development of blood-filled cavities within the liver, which can lead to liver dysfunction and associated symptoms.

    Diagnostic Methods:

    Accurate diagnosis of Bartonella henselae infections is crucial for timely treatment and management. Several diagnostic methods are available, including:

    4.Serological Testing: Serological assays, such as ELISA or immunofluorescence assays, are used to detect antibodies against Bartonella henselae. These tests can confirm exposure and recent infection.

    5.Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): Molecular methods targeting specific genes in the bacterium's DNA are employed to detect the presence of Bartonella henselae. PCR is highly sensitive and specific, making it a valuable tool for diagnosis.

    6.Culture: Although less commonly used due to its demanding requirements, Bartonella henselae can be cultured in specialized media. This method can be beneficial for research and reference laboratories.

    7.Histopathology: Examination of tissue samples can reveal characteristic lesions associated with Bartonella infections, such as those seen in bacillary angiomatosis. This method can provide valuable diagnostic insights.


    The treatment of Bartonella henselae infections typically involves antibiotic therapy. The choice of antibiotic and the duration of treatment may vary depending on the specific disease and the patient's clinical condition. Commonly used antibiotics include doxycycline, azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, and rifampin. The choice of antibiotic is often influenced by the patient's age, underlying health conditions, and the severity of the infection.


    Preventing Bartonella henselae infections is essential, especially for those who are in close contact with cats or are at higher risk. Key preventive measures include:

    8.Safe Cat Interaction: Avoid rough play with cats that could result in scratches or bites. Keep a cat's claws trimmed to minimize the risk of injury.

    9.Hand Hygiene: Practice good hand hygiene after handling cats, especially if scratches or bites occur.

    10.Avoiding Feral Cats: Be cautious when approaching or handling feral or stray cats, as they may have a higher prevalence of Bartonella henselae. Avoid unnecessary contact with these animals.

    In conclusion, Bartonella henselae is a remarkable pathogen with a complex relationship with its hosts, primarily cats and humans. Understanding its taxonomy, structure, associated diseases, diagnostic methods, treatment options, and prevention strategies is essential for both medical professionals and individuals who share their lives with cats. By following preventive measures and promptly seeking medical attention in case of infection, the impact of Bartonella henselae on human health can be minimized.

    About GDU


    GDU helps global diagnostic partners in high quality of raw material discovery, development, and application. GDU believes in Protein&antibody Innovation for more reliable diagnostic solutions.